Stranded in the garden, these are the down-trodden, all forgotten
there’s no pardon, to the migrant millions scattered like dandelions
She was your maid, he was your plumber, your goto man when your tv was broken,
built the houses you live in, cooked the food you eat, looked after your children,
made the house you live in, a home to come to, but you call her a migrant, dont have a home to go to, not wanted here, not wanted there
stranded in the garden, well there’s no garden for the down-trodden, all-forgotten, there is no pardon, to those millions at the border, that till your soil, with blood, sweat, tears and toil.
goosy goosy gander, fascist propaganda
at the ready to slander, the people who fight for truth, progress and the future
While you shed phony tears, build wealth for your crony capitalist bottom feeders
stranded in the garden, well there’s no garden, for the
millions dying, losing their daily living, no wages,
while you wash your bloody hands in the holy Ganges,
vote bank politics, depleted morals and ethics,
slander, pander, maha kumbh maha spreader
go ahead, peddle your lies, stoke hate, without an inkling of what’s at stake,
go on with your shameless tattle, petty prattle, stomp on the shoulders of giants who built the very nation, you seek to dismantle,
stranded In the garden, well there’s no garden, no garden for the millions getting killed by the virus, dehumanised demonetised,
knee jerk reactions, non existing actions,
piling cadavers queuing up at funeral pyres, while all you can offer is sahas, dhairya and all that palaver
stranded in the garden, well there’s no garden, no garden!