Well, I am turning 47. Today.

I am either 46, 47 or 48 depending on which method or system of ascertaining age, you follow. 46 according to a method of insurance premium calculation (“Age last birthday”), 47 according to reality, and 48 according to the Korean tradition, where a baby is considered one year old at birth, and everyone ages one year on New Year’s Day.

Nevertheless, 47 has a ring to it. It contains my favourite number. The number 7. 7 appears in multiple places from classical antiquity, to religion, mythology, literature (Shakespeare’s Seven Ages of Man), entertainment (7 stages according to Monica from F.R.I.E.N.D.S), and sports(CR7, Beckham, MSD).

Also, by turning 47, I have done 3/5ths, 3/4ths or 2/3rds of Average Human Life Expectancy according to the WHO.

Which means, you are turning old; even though you would not like to believe that you are turning old, the Happy Birthday messages coming from “Bone and Joint Clinic”, “32 Dental Dentists”, “Generic Life and Health Insurance” companies, not helping your cause either.

Which also means time is running out, or does it ever? Again, which also means, I must have at least a lifetime’s worth of learnings, experiences, observations, thumb-rules, algorithms, aphorisms, truisms, “what-works”, “what-does’nt-work”, to draw upon, and share.

So here is the list of 47 things that I would like to share, adding my “fecal utterances and tired cliches” to the genre of the Listicle. And according to ChatGPT, the first documented use of a listicle-like format dates back to the 2nd century, attributed to the preeminent Greek engineer, philosopher, and writer Philo of Byzantium, who compiled a list of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (see 7).

In no particular order.

  1. Solvitur Ambulando or गमनेन समाधानं भवति - everything is solved by walking. When you feel stuck with something, take a stroll, a walk, and alleviate by ambulation. So, when your boss, tells you to “take a hike”, you know it’s for your own good.
  2. Always be early. Early to a meeting, an appointment, to work, to any place, context that requires to be on time. Where everyone else is huffing and puffing, and panicking, you are calm, relaxed and prepared.
  3. “Could” vs “Should” - Try and use the word “could”. What could you do, instead of what should you do? Could opens up options and possibilities, where as Should narrows, restricts and implies an expectation.
  4. Expectations always lead to Disappointment, to you and to others. So don’t expect anything from yourself, and from others. You will surprise yourself more often than not, when you have low expectations of yourself.
  5. Be kind. You are not the only one who is under a mountain of problems.
  6. Everyone is on a journey, that includes you. There is no destination, only stopovers.
  7. Speaking of journeys, it is ok to “Take the scenic route”.
  8. Cultivate a hobby, any hobby. It offers a diversion from the mundane, and that is a good thing.
  9. Try and be present, and be distracted (detached). Be present when you are in a conversation, in a meeting, with a friend, with a client, so you can truly focus on what is being said and at the same time try and be detached so you don’t take things that come your way ‘personally’. It is very difficult to do, but try and do it anyway.
  10. Suspend judgement. If you are judging, you will be judged.
  11. If you are a Manager, or in any capacity of leading a team and are also reporting to someone, at work, “Coach down, Manage up”.
  12. You may be set in your ways, in your thinking, in your estimate of others, but are you willing to change when there is evidence?
  13. If you do not have anything to offer to a conversation, offer silence. Especially when the conversation is unfair to you.
  14. You can just walk away.
  15. Always put a value to your time. A client who doesn’t pay your rates, does not value your time. Walk away.
  16. Anything that gets scheduled gets done or at least half-begun.
  17. Meeting minutes are the most important document you will ever create. If its not on record, it didn’t happen. If it is not on Strava, did it really happen?
  18. Get good at PowerPoint. Yes, there I said it. Learn from the best
  19. It is a great thing to “waste time”
  20. Every sitcom plot / that funny line that you know is already done in Seinfeld
  21. If you are stuck, just start.
  22. If you think the task is daunting, I always ask what would Rahul Dravid do?
  23. Always be starting.
  24. You can always come back to it later, if you don’t feel like it now.
  25. Have a favourite movie, a favourite song/songs, a favourite album, a favourite book, a favourite art, a favourite artist, a favourite band.
  26. Being one-dimensional is boring. This chimes with “Cultivate a hobby”
  27. Always be listening. There are many people who just want to be heard.
  28. If you find yourself drafting behind the lead cyclist, offer to lead so they can draft behind you. If you feel someone is helping you, help them out, in return.
  29. Don’t take things at face value. However, sometimes, just take things that are being said to you, of you, at face value. “Suspend Judgement”
  30. Do not be in awe of others, your peers, your bosses, other achievers. Be proud of what they have achieved, what they have done; just don’t be in awe. Being in awe, creates a barrier for you to create.
  31. Learn from others, but do it your own way.
  32. “What one man can do, another can do” .It just that you will do it your own way.
  33. At work, find a seat closer to the windows. Diffused sunlight does wonders for your stress-induced-migraine.
  34. Look outside, once in a while.
  35. Leave your place of work, when the sun is still out. There is no greater feeling.
  36. Can you have a conversation with a child? Try, it will teach you to be open, help you in asking questions.
  37. Imposter Syndrome is real. Go by the words of Sting. “Just be yourself, no matter what they say!”
  38. No one will remember the words you said, but how you made them feel. Beware of the words you say.
  39. Procrastination is real, but can be beaten; Listing things out is a sure-fire technique to begin. self-wink
  40. Just show up, even if you don’t feel like it.
  41. Stay hydrated. If you think you have drank enough (psst. water), you can drink some more; Keep drinking until your pee is clear.
  42. Biryani is over-rated. Also don’t do what everyone is obsessing about.
  43. It is ok to have FOMO. There is nothing wrong with it. Make FOMO JOMO.
  44. If you think your day is going badly, try and have a Non-Zero-Day. If there is anyone advice, or thing, from this list, that I want you to follow, it is this. The Gospel of Ryan
  45. No one cares. Nobody. Well, except maybe for a few. Love them and cherish them.
  46. Well, I ran out at 46.
    Leigh Fordham sold me out, 46 days and the coal ran out. Please come round here another day; Sit yourself down when you’re ready to stay
  47. Always be grateful. Say Thank you often.